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제목 갤럭시 태블릿 노트를 구매하고 싶은데 엉뚱한 방향으로 개발진행이 되는것 같네요; 추천 0 IP 주소
글쓴이 디지털초보 날짜 2015.12.04 14:22 조회 수 1088

With the Gear S2, Samsung opened up its smartwatch platform to all Android smartphones, and we have been hearing ever since that the Korean giant could also bring support for its smartwatches to iOS. Well, we now have confirmation that Samsung is working on a Gear Manager app for iOS, something we have learned from one of our insiders.

There’s not much to say on the matter; Gear Manager for iOS means iPhone owners will be able to use one of the most beautiful smartwatches in the market. It remains to be seen when iOS support will officially arrive, though Samsung will no doubt be trying to hurry up development as much as it can, since the Apple Watch will not be waiting around and courting a lot of iPhone owners over the months to come.

We have also learned that Samsung is working on a new Cross Ballpoint C-Pen stylus (Pen-2016 Universal Pen (BT C Pen) – EJ-UW700.) This isn’t a product that’s very well-known – it’s basically a stylus that works with all touchscreen devices, and also doubles up as a regular ballpoint pen for, you know, writing on paper. The new C-Pen seems to have Bluetooth support according to its codename, and it could launch with the second-generation Galaxy Tab E that we exclusively reported about.

출처 :

C- Pen 이라고 블루투스를 이용한 스타일러스를 새로 개발하고 있군요.. (갤S3 에 쓰이던 C펜과는 다른;;)

와콤 S펜 지원되는 태블릿은 이제 끝이려나요.ㅠ

블루투스지원이기도 해서 애플펜슬처럼 충전식일것 같은 예감도 드는데 과연 얼마나 차별화를 둘 수 있을지..

모든 스마트 기기에 다 적용이 된다는 부분은 꽤나 매력적일 것 같네요

인식률이 부디 S-pen 만큼 잘 나오길 바랍니다.( 애플 펜슬은 빠르게 그리면 조금 라인이 뒤따라 오는듯한 느낌이 영상에서 보이던데)

차후에 구매할 태블리슨 과연 어떤 태블릿이 되려나...

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