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제목 2014년 대학수학능력시험 영어듣기 B형 21번 22번 수능비트 추천 0 IP 주소
글쓴이 시스프리 날짜 2014.08.05 20:58 조회 수 1555

21번부터 22번까지는 두번 들려줍니다

21번과 22번

다음을 듣고 물음에 답하시오

Life is full of repetition,

and if you look around in nature,

it's easy to see how animals

are influenced by the repeated

changes of day and night

and the tides as well.

Today I'm going to talk about

how animals keep pace

with natural repetition

by modifying their actions.

For example,

the impact of day and night

can be found in animals'

feeding behavior.

Because they wake

at different times,

animals can live

without competing for food.

I'm sure you've seen

both butterflies and moths

feed on flowers,

but butterflies come out

during the day,

while most moths are active after dark.

When it comes to tidal rhytms

influencing animals,

birds are a good example.

When the tide is low,

some birds walk along

the water's egde

and grab small animals.

At high tide, they stop feeding and rest.

Tides also impact

the breeding of fish

that use extra-large spring tides to breed.

When the spring tide is at its height,

they mate and lay

their eggs on beaches.

Then during the following spring tide

the eggs hatch,

and the young fish are swept out to sea.

다시 한번 듣겠습니다

(그↓럴↑ 수→ 없→소↘)



이제 듣기 말하기 문제가 끝났습니다.

23번부터는 문제지의 지시에 따라

답을 하기바랍니다.

다시한번 듣겠습니다.

싫음 말어잉!

(답을 하기 바랍니다.)

(그↓럴→ 수→ 없→소↘)

(싫음 말어잉!)

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