
iPhone 7 poses for the camera in two colors mere hours away from official announcementPiano Black may be a fingerprint magnet, but it sure is pretty! - iPhone 7 poses for the camera mere hours away from official announcement - iPhone 7 poses for the camera in two colors mere hours away from official announcementNothing of interest in the SIM card slot - iPhone 7 SIM card slot and SIM card tray - iPhone 7 poses for the camera in two colors mere hours away from official announcementThere seems to be some sort of rubber seal on the SIM card tray, indicating that the iPhone - iPhone 7 SIM card slot and SIM card tray - iPhone 7 poses for the camera in two colors mere hours away from official announcementiPhone 7 poses for the camera in two colors mere hours away from official announcementPhoto allegedly shows boxes containing the Apple iPhone 7 in transit from Foxconn - Hours from unveiling, Apple iPhone 7 boxes leak; September 16th launch date 'confirmed'

애플 아이폰7 및 7 플러스가 패키징과 함께 추가 유출되었습니다.

피아노 블랙 및 스페이스 블루 색상이며, 심카드 슬롯에 고무 씰링이 되어있는 것으로 보아 방수/방진을 지원할 듯 합니다.

오늘 새벽 두시부터 애플의 키노트가 시작되며, 한시 반부터 동시 통역 안내가 이루어질 예정이므로, 곧 자세한 사항을 확인할 수 있을 것으로 예상됩니다.

출처 : PhoneArena ( , )

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